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Our common goal

From patients and their loved ones to those working within the pharmaceutical industry in the UK, we share a common goal: Lives Lived Well.

Our common goal

We share a common goal

The pharmaceutical industry, researchers, healthcare professionals, and patients share a common goal: to advance medicine and develop new treatments that improve lives. 

Our common goals

Hear from members of the pharmaceutical industry members on their perspectives of our common goal. 

Shared, inclusive together and Homungul.

Yeah, I think the shared objectives across all the stakeholders are really focused around how do we deliver the most impactful healthcare to the largest number of people.

Well, everybody wants access to healthcare and wants it to be fair.

There's, I think, a great feeling in this country that the NHS is a collective effort.

It shouldn't be something for the rich, it shouldn't be something for people in certain parts of the country.

There shouldn't be a postcode lottery.

It's very important that diverse communities get access to the right healthcare and we all need to work together to make that happen.

I think our industry has a huge role to play when it comes to the making of medicines and ensuring that from the outset that that's an inclusive process, that people are able to control their thoughts, their views and their different experiences.

None of us have the same lived experiences.

You can grow up in the same family as siblings and all have different experiences.

So I think industry, meaning industry members, charities and other key stakeholders, could work together more to listen to the unheard voices.

Sharing a common goal is about making sure that everyone has the access to the support and the care and the information where and when they need it.
Our common goal: health equity
Lives, life.

Other industrial partners in a big life sciences, family, academia and NHS have a common goal to get our population to have better, healthier, longer lives.

Our common goal is really around bringing medicines to patients and extending and improving their lives.

Well, I think healthcare is something that everybody and everybody in the world values.

It's one of the things that I think there will be unanimous view that people want to be healthy.

They want to live productive, healthy lives.

They want their families to be healthy and productive.

So that's a common goal.

It's probably, you know, one of the, one of the single most common goals across the bill, not only extend somebody's life, but improve the quality of that life so that they can then spend more time with their loved ones and family.
Our common goal: lives lived well
Collaboration, collaborative collaboration.

I think one of the fantastic things about the life science sector, including academia, the NHS industry and other supporting services, is that there's that goal for joint working, collaboration, partnerships, and
I think that's the secret to actually really making a difference and getting change which is actually sustainable within the healthcare ecosystem.

We are innovating collaboratively, together, and there's transparency, there's early discussions so that the healthcare system can plan for the new innovations that are coming through, and that we work with our charities to make sure that patients are getting the right treatment and have access to the clinical trials or have access to the treatment that they need.

But we can't all do this in isolation to each other.

We all have to come together and work together for the common good and for the long term future and health care for our people.

I think the aim and the ambition is very much shared.

The how we get there, who's going to prod this bit, who's going to make that happen?

All the barriers in the way, much different issue, and as everybody keeps saying, the only way you're going to get through that is collaboration.

I think we all, across, professionals, patients, members of the public and also the industry, all share the same aim of getting the best treatments to the people who need them.

And we're all working together to make that better.
Our common goal: collaboration
Patience. Patience.

We show up every day trying to do the right thing for patients, trying to make a difference in people's lives.

What it means for me is that everyone working at the ABPI, firstly, is totally committed to patience.

I absolutely think we all share a common goal industry, and that's to see patients be able to access better, kinder treatments, to have a more equitable experience with their care, and to have the best experience of outcomes of
their care, if they possibly can.
Our common goal: patient care


Researchers are at the forefront of medical breakthroughs, driven by a passion for discovery and a commitment to improving human health. Their goals include:

  • Patient-centred care: providing treatment plans that are matched to the unique needs of each person/patient
  • Continuous learning: staying updated with the latest medical advancements and bring new treatments into clinical practice
  • Support: helping people/patients in dealing their healthcare journeys and advocating for their access to innovative therapies

Research Scientist

R&D Research Scientist

Life Sciences Lead

Healthcare professionals

Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in bringing new treatments to people/patients. Their goals include:

  • Patient-centred care: providing treatment plans that are matched to the unique needs of each person/patient
  • Continuous learning: staying updated with the latest medical advancements and bring new treatments into clinical practice
  • Support: helping people/patients in dealing their healthcare journeys and advocating for their access to innovative therapies

Medical Advisor

Senior Clinical Development Director

Block Goal


Patients are at the heart of the healthcare system, with their health and quality of life being the ultimate focus. Their goals include:

  • Access to treatments: having timely access to the most effective treatments available
  • Live better lives: achieving better health outcomes and an improved quality of life through effective medical care



How the industry works with the NHS

The pharmaceutical industry works hand in hand with the National Health Service (NHS) to ensure that patients receive the best possible care. This collaboration includes:

  • Joint research initiatives: partnering with the NHS on clinical trials and research projects to accelerate the development of new treatments and ensure they meet the needs of people/patients
  • Access to medicines: working together to ensure that essential medications are available to patients across the UK, providing timely access to the latest therapies
  • Improving health outcomes: collaborating on health programs and initiatives that focus on disease prevention, early diagnosis, and effective treatment, ultimately improving patient outcomes
  • Training and education: supporting NHS staff with training programs and educational resources to ensure they are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills in pharmaceutical care

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